Hear from a Client: Reiki for Change and Creation

Photo by Clemente Ruiz Abenza on Unsplash

Photo by Clemente Ruiz Abenza on Unsplash


Soul's Mission Energy Healing (i.e., Mary) offers tailored reiki energy healing sessions for clients who are seeking to find specific answers or intentionally create a change in some aspect of their lives. During these healings, we use a combination of reiki, meditation/visualization (if appropriate), and discussion to help clients receive inner guidance about their path, and to energetically support them in achieving it.


Today, I wanted to share what one of my amazing clients kindly took the time to write down about her experience after she completed a 6-session Reiki Transformation series. (The question prompts are mine; the answers are all hers.)

From KP, Soul's Mission Energy Healing client:

Where were you in your life/healing journey before you started working with Mary?


I had tried a lot of different healing techniques including therapy, acupuncture, diet, yoga, meditation, etc. to deal with childhood trauma. Each had been helpful in different ways. I thought I had accomplished everything I could in order to lead a full life. However, during my first session with Mary, she helped me uncover that while the past no longer haunted me, fear was stopping me from finding happiness and abundance in my life. I had been living in a state of fear for so long, I didn't even realize how much it was holding me back from finding happiness in my relationships and advancing my career.



What were your hesitations when you were first making the decision to work with Mary, and what helped you overcome them?


Let's be honest, reiki is weird. Telling your friends you can't go to dinner because you have an energy healing appointment can open you up to all sorts of opinions. But, I can tell you - it works. Sometimes our burdens are too much to overcome on our own. Or, like me, we think we are doing great, but need someone else to help us get over that last hurdle to find peace and happiness in our lives. Taking the leap and doing just one session with Mary proved to me how beneficial her services were going to be.



What's a change or improvement that you've seen since you and Mary started working together?


One way fear manifests itself is through stress. I grew up in a stressful environment and have carried it with me for the last 35 years - without even realizing it. I suffered chronic sinus infections, inflammation and could never quite relax my shoulders. I had accepted that these ailments were always going to be part of my life. Since I started working with Mary to release my fears, I haven't had a single sinus infection, which is miraculous. I feel more relaxed and focused than I ever have been. I'm less afraid of taking risks, have more trust in my partner and am able to let little things, that would have driven me over the edge with worry, go without a second thought. I'm happier and feel much more at peace.

For me, the difference between reiki and other self-help techniques is that even a few sessions can achieve long-term results. Based on my needs, Mary guided me toward various practices, like meditation visualizations, that I can go back to in times of need. By removing the blocks that I couldn't remove on my own, the weight I carry around is much lighter.



How would you describe what it's like to work with Mary?


Mary is very intuitive.  I walked into our first session with all these ideas about what I wanted to do. Through just some simple questions, Mary was able to get to the heart of what was bothering me. She made me feel safe sharing experiences, thoughts and fears. We would meditate together as she would perform reiki. Stress that was manifesting itself in different parts of my body - my sore back, upset stomach, etc. - would be alleviated after our sessions. Mary would give me various focuses for our meditations. Afterward, she would share what she intuitively saw and guide me towards practices I could use throughout the week to advance my healing and prevent me from repeating old patterns.



What would you say to someone who's thinking about maybe signing on to work with Mary? Would you encourage them to do it?


Just try it. You have nothing lose, but so much to gain. Whether you are a reiki veteran or have never tried it before, the unique experience of Mary's practice will help you to dig deep and uncover the blocks that are holding you back from achieving your goals in a safe and supportive space. Releasing myself from constant fear and worry has been life changing. You deserve to live a full and happy life too.


2018 is a big deal in the hearts and minds of most of the people I know. We’ve been through so much! It’s time for us to heal, move forward, and live the lives we’ve secretly been picturing but only allowed to simmer under the surface -- until now. If you're ready or you just want to learn more about how Reiki for Transformation sessions work, click here for more information.


If you're ready to schedule and you live in the Minneapolis / St. Paul metro area, in-person sessions are held at Be Well Natural Medicine in the Mac/Groveland neighborhood of St. Paul. To schedule, either click directly to their online scheduler, or call (612) 440-7710.


To schedule a remote session package, you can either email me at soulsmissionhealing@gmail.com, or call (612) 587-2564 to book your first appointment.