Soul's Mission Energy Healing

Reiki can be a powerful tool to support us in times of major transition, align more with our highest good, and create more of what we need or desire.

I offer tailored sessions for those who would like to go deeper into a process of discovering or aligning themselves energetically with changes they wish to make.

For example, I’ve worked with clients who were:

  • Seeking clarity on next steps regarding a major business decision

  • Looking to build confidence following a job loss

  • Creating a new vision for life moving forward following a difficult divorce

The Reiki Transformation Package is a series of three to six 60-minute sessions held once every week or two. Holding sessions in shorter succession like this better supports the client in building off the energy work from the previous session, boosting the overall impact. In short - you need momentum to tackle the big challenges, and that’s what I hope to provide during our time together.

Typically, each session begins with a short discussion about what it is you believe you need or want at this time, what challenges you might be facing, or what goals you'd like to give an energetic boost. We may briefly meditate and some sessions may be slightly more interactive, with meditation and conversation interspersed through the 60 minutes.


More Information About Reiki for Change & Transformation


"Reiki is a way of directly impacting the intake and flow of life force energy, although it is not the only one. The purpose of yoga, for instance (besides being a physical exercise), is also to increase one’s chi, which is known as prana in Sanskrit. This is one of the reasons that yoga is a healing and therapeutic practice for many people. Acupuncture, while different than reiki, works on a similar principle. If you think of the pathways of energy flowing in your body as rivers, acupuncture is like a way to dismantle river dams that are blocking the flow. Reiki, on the other hand, is more like sending a rush of water through and allowing it to flow wherever it is needed. It’s a little less precise, but the effect can be profound."


USING ENERGY HEALING FOR SPECIFIC INTENTIONS [Soul's Mission Energy Healing] | Excerpt below:

"So if reiki works for your highest good, you might ask, how can we use it to achieve specific intentions? What if our intention isn’t in line with our highest good? We all know that that sometimes happens. We might set out to achieve a certain goal - like get a particular job or pursue a certain relationship - only to find out that it wasn’t the best decision after all.

If what we want isn’t for our highest good, reiki won’t support it. Rather, the idea behind the “change and manifestation” reiki sessions can best be summed up with some classic Rolling Stones lyrics: You can’t always get what you want. But if you try, sometimes, you might find you get what you need.

That’s the principle behind doing a series of energy healing sessions with specific intentions in mind. We can only start with where we are. Our conscious mind may indeed be on board with our “highest good.” It often does happen that people walk into a reiki session wanting a certain outcome (like relief from a physical pain, clarity on a decision they need to make, or the release of emotions like fear and grief), and walk out having achieved it in whole or in part. It’s awesome when that happens! If what you want and what you need are the same, then things will unfold in a fairly straightforward manner."


Transformation Package Testimonials

"..during my first session with Mary, she helped me uncover that while the past no longer haunted me, fear was stopping me from finding happiness and abundance in my life. I had been living in a state of fear for so long, I didn't even realize how much it was holding me back from finding happiness in my relationships and advancing my career. Since I started working with Mary to release my fears, I haven't had a single sinus infection, which is miraculous. I feel more relaxed and focused than I ever have been."

– KP


"[Since working with Mary], I sleep soundly, and have less anxiety. I feel more present in my life. My family has become closer and laughs and hugs more. I am less likely to be reactively angry. I just feel more naturally drawn into better habits. I feel a deep-in-the-belly-root source of strength and stability that calms and roots me in circumstances that used to cause great anxiety. There is no end to the positive ways it has shaped my life, and given me a touchstone of centeredness."

– E. A.

Read the complete testimonials here.


"Mary's practice of Reiki was like a supercharged, focused unfurling of sensory awareness for me. I experienced a sudden shift in perspective/physical experience which may only have been available to me more gradually through other contemplative or healing practices."

- E.A., Reiki Client


Schedule your Reiki Transformation Session

Click here to visit Be Well Natural Medicine

Things are changing at Soul’s Mission Healing! After May 9, 2019, all sessions will be remote.

For a limited time, sessions are discounted to $75 for 60 minutes.

In-person sessions are held at Be Well Natural Medicine in St. Paul, Minnesota until May 9.

Remote sessions can be scheduled by contacting Mary directly.