Soul's Mission Energy Healing

You care for your physical body.

You care for your mental health.

What about your energy system?

Learn how reiki energy healing can make a difference.



If you’ve taken a yoga class, the teacher might have talked about prana. In traditional Chinese medicine, it’s called chi (or qi). In Japanese, it’s called ki. It’s your vital life force. It flows in and around everything and everyone.

Because everything is interconnected, anything you do to care for your physical or mental health - like exercise, eating right, socializing or spending time in nature - will also benefit your energy body. However, sometimes a more direct approach is needed. This is where reiki can help!


What is reiki?

Reiki is a touch therapy that promotes stress reduction and relaxation by bringing more life force energy to the receiver.

By bringing more prana/chi/ki into your system, you support your body’s ability to relax and recover, whether from illness, pain, or everyday life stresses.

The word “reiki” comes from Japanese. “Rei” can be translated as “Higher Power,” and “ki,” of course, is life force energy.

How does it work?

Receiving reiki is pretty simple. You lay down on a massage table, fully clothed. The practitioner lays or hovers her hands over different parts of your body - your head, neck, hands, arms, back, torso, legs and feet - to channel the energy to you. That’s it! Most sessions are 30 to 90 minutes long.

Reiki can also be performed remotely, where the practitioner and receiver are in different locations. In this case, the best results are achieved if the receiver is able to sit or lie in a quiet place undisturbed for the session.

Falling asleep is quite common (during both in-person and remote sessions). Sleeping does not hinder your ability to benefit from the energy. If you’re in need of rest, it might even help.

What is Quantum-Touch?

In addition to Usui reiki and Karuna reiki, I have trained in the energy healing methods of Quantum-Touch (QT). QT involves breathing and visualization techniques designed to channel qi energy even more powerfully. QT has been called “reiki on steroids,” and clients have reported a noticeable difference in how strongly they feel the energy when QT methods are used.




Typical Reasons to Get Reiki

  • Relief from stress, anxiety, or depression

  • Reduce physical pain during injury recovery or following surgery

  • Support your health and wellbeing through any sort of health transformation, such as a desire to improve your fitness level. While reiki obviously won’t replace exercise and diet changes, it can help you to have more energy and motivation to make changes to your daily routine.

  • Greater ease in recovering from a breakup or loss of a loved one

Reiki for Change and Manifestation

Reiki energy healing can be a powerful tool in helping us to envision and create more of what we need or desire. I specialize in working with clients during or immediately following periods of transition and transformation.

For example, I’ve worked with clients who were:

  • Seeking clarity on next steps regarding a major business decision

  • Looking to build confidence following a job loss

  • Creating a new vision for life moving forward following a difficult divorce

By facilitating relaxation and the release of old patterns, energy healing helps you to remain in the present moment and thereby create a happier future.
